crap - Again... His (Hitlers) Actions and their effects where Evil...
But the reason why all this started ???
Wht you mentioned is true ... but the WHY is answered in Mein Khempf...
Hitler... says... I don know the true state of Germany then.. but so share of you know anything...
He says.. there was a time.. when Jews where in the important positions in govt in germany.. and the policies which where made where very anti-German in nature.. it was killing the German culture...
He blames Jews for making Germans feel that they are bunch of good for nothing people..
The Youth was not enterprising.. they had lost themselves to Drugs and other entertainment...
the theatre and Movies where spoiling the culture...
Wht he did was wrong.. agreed.. those Nazi camps.. gas cambers... everything was wrong...
But tht was because Patriotism went out of hands...
he Blammed Jews for everything wrong happening in the country.....
Honestly... if you read the Germany Then is what all countries are today....
but luckily non of us is as Extremist in nature as he was...
He is a perfect example not to be followed...
but ONE Man .. who was a Soldier in Infantry in WW I... was the General and also prime reason for WW II...
Tht talks about his caliber as a Orator... as a leader...
If he could lead all the Germans to do the evil...
May be they where feeling the Pinch somewhere...
The Wound.. which he reminded to all.. and asked them to not bear it any more..
In a very wrong way of course...
Excess of anything is bad..even excess of Good..
Excess of sweet leads to Diabetics...
And BUSH.... certified Idiot.... The Clown in near by Circuses have More IQ than he has.....
if Americans hate the whole world.. and this was the way they wanted to show there Anger..... (by electing Bush..twice)... :)
Americans are more cruel than the Hitler was.... :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
crap - Again... His (Hitlers) Actions and their effects where Evil...
But the reason why all this started ???
Wht you mentioned is true ... but the WHY is answered in Mein Khempf...
Hitler... says... I don know the true state of Germany then.. but so share of you know anything...
He says.. there was a time.. when Jews where in the important positions in govt in germany.. and the policies which where made where very anti-German in nature.. it was killing the German culture...
He blames Jews for making Germans feel that they are bunch of good for nothing people..
The Youth was not enterprising.. they had lost themselves to Drugs and other entertainment...
the theatre and Movies where spoiling the culture...
Wht he did was wrong.. agreed.. those Nazi camps.. gas cambers... everything was wrong...
But tht was because Patriotism went out of hands...
he Blammed Jews for everything wrong happening in the country.....
Honestly... if you read the Germany Then is what all countries are today....
but luckily non of us is as Extremist in nature as he was...
He is a perfect example not to be followed...
but ONE Man .. who was a Soldier in Infantry in WW I... was the General and also prime reason for WW II...
Tht talks about his caliber as a Orator... as a leader...
If he could lead all the Germans to do the evil...
May be they where feeling the Pinch somewhere...
The Wound.. which he reminded to all.. and asked them to not bear it any more..
In a very wrong way of course...
Excess of anything is bad..even excess of Good..
Excess of sweet leads to Diabetics...
And BUSH.... certified Idiot.... The Clown in near by Circuses have More IQ than he has.....
if Americans hate the whole world.. and this was the way they wanted to show there Anger..... (by electing Bush..twice)... :)
Americans are more cruel than the Hitler was.... :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it