'but i don’t quite agree that a child should be trained how to behave around a dog... the way a child behaves is a natural way. Child tries to play with the dog as if he/she would play with other child. And pretty often a dog attacks a child or even an adult, without any reason whatsoever, just because dog didn’t like the smell, or something else...'

Its exactly the same with a dog.... it behaves in its natural way... in a pack, if another pack sibling would hurt the dog, it would defend its self... the same of a 'pack sibling' being human... it the child hurts the dog, its going to react, because its instinct... A dog will not attack unprovoked - unless its in pain or fearful and placed in a defensive position...

Agree with your posts MC...

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


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