Versi -
Exotic Gal is on wrong forum... this is English... sooner she realizes... better for us :)

And Idolatry - It is not the same in both religion....

And as mentioned before by troll too... a lot depends on faith than logic.... when it comes to rituals and religious acts.....

Idols in Hinduism are treated very much like a Picture of God.... it gets exactly the same treatment/respect/love one has for God himself... or hate/anger... whichever emotion is applicable.... :)

Khalid - Photo of priest ????

NO Saints... Saints are like Prophets....
Priests/Pandits are people praying and doing the rituals in temples....

Saints are those wanderers... or Yogis who spread the teachings of scriptures.... and words of Gods...

They are respected.. very much like messengers of Gods...

And about a Hindu fren of yours saying a Human is God..

As mentioned before.. In Hinduism... everything and everybody is GOD...
If we are Quite we can listen what he wants to say....

Specially when something good happens because of someone.... it is said.. God did it through him... so at that moment or incidence.... He is GOD....

For me.. everyone is GOD... its jus that we have forgotten it.... Take it or leave it..

When it comes to Faith... Logic is Lame... Need to go beyond
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it