if 'Secret Service, FBI, CEID' or whatever you would like to call them wants to know something about you, they will find it out, with just your phone number or your ID card - been on the receiving end, so I am well aware of what I am talking about.
I will tell you one thing though, I have never felt as safe in my own country as I do here, so no matter that they monitor everything.
Yes, they monitor FB - that was how the whole "Christians being deported" thing started - there was a group on FB sending PMs to spread the word about Christianity - it was picked up by the authorities, and swiftly dealth with.
You really have a lot to learn young man - Yes, lots goes on in Doha, that happens in other countries too but depending on the local family name you have or how much wasta you might have, lots gets overlooked - It will be better if you keep a low profile - and not splash your business over a monitored public forum
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
if 'Secret Service, FBI, CEID' or whatever you would like to call them wants to know something about you, they will find it out, with just your phone number or your ID card - been on the receiving end, so I am well aware of what I am talking about.
I will tell you one thing though, I have never felt as safe in my own country as I do here, so no matter that they monitor everything.
Yes, they monitor FB - that was how the whole "Christians being deported" thing started - there was a group on FB sending PMs to spread the word about Christianity - it was picked up by the authorities, and swiftly dealth with.
You really have a lot to learn young man - Yes, lots goes on in Doha, that happens in other countries too but depending on the local family name you have or how much wasta you might have, lots gets overlooked - It will be better if you keep a low profile - and not splash your business over a monitored public forum
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
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