Using your line of logic, people should not eat because they might OVEREAT and become obese, they shouldn't learn to drive because some of them will starts to drive too fast and cause accidents, etc. -- so it's much better if they don't start down those roads at all.
And QatariLady -- the Baha'i faith is a religion that essentially believes in the oneness of humanity and seeks to break down the barriers between races, social classes, and other divisions of people on Earth. They believe that religions have progressed through history, and that the various prophets that have come before (Abraham, Buddha, etc.) have revealed certain messages from God that were necessary and relevant for people in the time/place they were revealed -- kind of a religious evolution, if you will. It teaches the importance of gender equality, peace, universal education and the elimination of poverty.
You might be surprised to learn that Baha'is do not drink alcohol, take drugs, or gamble. They fast, pray, and believe sex should only happen between a husband and a wife.
They don't marry their sisters or aunts as you suggested (I think very few organized religions espouse that practice).
They don't pretend to be Muslims, though they accept that Mohammed -- like Jesus and Baha'ullah (the founder of their religion) -- was a messenger of God.
And back to an earlier point that someone mentioned in this thread about the acceptance of other religions here in Qatar/the Middle East -- well, it certainly isn't on the scale that it is in other parts of the world. There are NO formal religious buildings other than mosques allowed in KSA. No synagogues or temples here (and while perhaps no Qatari citizens may be Jewish, there certainly are Jews here, just as there are Baha'is, etc.). So definitely a lot of room for improvement in that regard, IMHO.
"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou
Using your line of logic, people should not eat because they might OVEREAT and become obese, they shouldn't learn to drive because some of them will starts to drive too fast and cause accidents, etc. -- so it's much better if they don't start down those roads at all.
And QatariLady -- the Baha'i faith is a religion that essentially believes in the oneness of humanity and seeks to break down the barriers between races, social classes, and other divisions of people on Earth. They believe that religions have progressed through history, and that the various prophets that have come before (Abraham, Buddha, etc.) have revealed certain messages from God that were necessary and relevant for people in the time/place they were revealed -- kind of a religious evolution, if you will. It teaches the importance of gender equality, peace, universal education and the elimination of poverty.
You might be surprised to learn that Baha'is do not drink alcohol, take drugs, or gamble. They fast, pray, and believe sex should only happen between a husband and a wife.
They don't marry their sisters or aunts as you suggested (I think very few organized religions espouse that practice).
They don't pretend to be Muslims, though they accept that Mohammed -- like Jesus and Baha'ullah (the founder of their religion) -- was a messenger of God.
And back to an earlier point that someone mentioned in this thread about the acceptance of other religions here in Qatar/the Middle East -- well, it certainly isn't on the scale that it is in other parts of the world. There are NO formal religious buildings other than mosques allowed in KSA. No synagogues or temples here (and while perhaps no Qatari citizens may be Jewish, there certainly are Jews here, just as there are Baha'is, etc.). So definitely a lot of room for improvement in that regard, IMHO.
"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou