recently it was shown on TV:
a woman bougth a new carpet with some purl decoration.
her child played at that carpet and cut the purl by scissors. pure soul, he even asked his mom if it was beautiful - the purl in his hands.
angry mother beat him and then she finally decided to show her child to a doctor a few days ago, doctors could not save all 10 fingers on both hands of that boy.
brave child asked his Mom:
- then I am an adult I will buy a new carpet for you, Mom .. but tell me then you can buy new fingers for me ..?
that woman was released from prison .. for a boy - that a boy could have a mother nearby ..
recently it was shown on TV:
a woman bougth a new carpet with some purl decoration.
her child played at that carpet and cut the purl by scissors. pure soul, he even asked his mom if it was beautiful - the purl in his hands.
angry mother beat him and then she finally decided to show her child to a doctor a few days ago, doctors could not save all 10 fingers on both hands of that boy.
brave child asked his Mom:
- then I am an adult I will buy a new carpet for you, Mom .. but tell me then you can buy new fingers for me ..?
that woman was released from prison .. for a boy - that a boy could have a mother nearby ..