OK from Youths point of view.. and this time with a serious note...

People todays generation; work culture and life style doesn let us do anything which shall distract from regular sloggy life.....

People think Election day is a Holiday. The educated class..
Independence day is a day you see your family n stuff....

POint is... people who where young 35 - 40 yrs ago had ample time to give something back to the society they live in.
NOt we..

every minute is planned... scheduled... over packed and events over lap.

Strikes against anything we see wrong is waste of time... nothing more than tht....

Corruption is a problem - The way to over come is ... Pay more.. and get the Bloody JOb done... no time to waste on changing the system.....

Its wrong.. but thts the dirty truth :(

Man created religion ..not GOD... get over it guys...- FS