The lady commented that her husband kissed her briefly... they didn't 'make out' on the dance floor -

I have been at hotel functions in Qatar - where I was dancing with my boyfriend and we kissed numerous times - and we weren't the only ones, many were kissing, holding hands, hugging each other - BTW, we had a few of my BF's qatari friends with us - and they didn't bat an eye.

The other evening some friends and I went out to the Ramada... I started taking pics of our group in Bubbles Bar and security came and told me I couldn't take pictures... when I queried the manager, he said that there wasn't such a rule and asked security why he asked us that... The security guy came and apologised to us and said that someone at the bar had complained... now, for me, if you don't wanna be seen in a bar... don't go there... for gods sake, don't be so damn hypocritical...

The hotels and bars are a westerners escape from the real world... we go there simply because its the only place we can wear what we want(thats been stopped), drink what we want (hmmm... probably on the short list) take pics of our friends and us enjoying our time here (unless someone is trying to hide from the world and complains) and do all of this out of the 'local' eye, as NOT to offend your culture.... can you give us 1 place were we can be ourselves? As everywhere else in the country we do basically abide by your rules.... and we are quite happy too...

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME

