its not bull sh*t... I haven't played in more than a year... I really was cr*p last night...

am willing to lose to you, though;-)

I assume it was Chaurdary that I was playing against? Angel.. if you call me Ma'am 1 more time... I will hit you over the head with my pool cue;-)

Sorry I had to leave early last night... promised my friend I would help her with some work...

Looking forward to next week...

To all those that were there and I didn't see, know or speak too, apologies - I was like a whirlwind - swept in late and bailed early..

To my ever lovely Bilu... thank you again.. you are a sweetie.. I owe you a drink;-)

Looking forward to the next meet up...

*now, (she thinks to herself) were can I go and practice so I can beat the pants of Smokey Kat*

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME

