
Man... There is a God.. I agree..
Yeserday I prayed he posts sensibly and today... he is changed....

or is it a profile hijacked ???

Ok... Back to the topic..

Rich are Rich.. cause they have wrked hard for it.
And they wanted it badly and they have it..

Poor... if they are poor cause of lack of oppoutunity....
this class can be helped... by providing Education which they ll use to grow...

But there are many who are poor by choice...

In a school is it fault of the topper tht many in his class are failing and he should distribute his hard earned marks.....????

poor people... help yourself....

No one shall help you... You have to find your own way...
If you see someone who is helping you in this journey... call it God's divine interference.

Man created religion ..not GOD... get over it guys...- FS