how far were you from the Najma signal whenhe started blinking his car lights?

You seem theresoon, if you were still far, you could have moved to the middle lane and let him pass. that could have saved you the trouble and emotional stress that you're experiencing right now.

Secondly, he bumped your car from behind?
Or it was a 'STRONG' nudge but didn't cause much/any damage to your car?

Thirdly, why did you smiled at him? He did you wrong, girl. Smiling back at your oppressor means it's ok and you're not upset with what he did. BUT YOU ARE UPSET...right?

Sorry, but you have to STOP MOPING and report this to the authorities. Lesson should be learned/taught.

And Finally, why would you say this topic's gonna be a racial bashing then leave?
You opened this topic with open ended questions/statement against one individiual and poured your heart out here with the tinge of feeling sorry for yourself coz you're an Indian? Geez,'re the first Indian woman I came across who thinks like that. If HAN19 was here, she will definitely have something to say to you.