Agree with Gadarene n Khattak..

Even Smoke n envious Speed here... :)

These are fancy looking numbers with *conditions apply... which means the numbers which are shown here shall not be applicable for all...

Like when the CAr showrooms tell about the milage of the car... they run the car on the smoothest of the surface and at const 60KM/Hr... or so.... without any breaks n stops....

But still everything said n done..
Appreciate the marketing guyz.. they have come up with a plan which grabs attention.. n thts all they seek.

And even if the call rates are less than or equal to 50 Dihrams/Min.. shall be a great news.

Even up to 1 QR/min is quite appealing... as Vodafone's 0.50 QR/min is promotional offer not permanent.

Man created religion ..not GOD... get over it guys...- FS