I have to agree - being a 35yr old woman who has been on her own for a while, it is sometimes difficult to start changing your ways to fit into someones life, and have them fit into yours - not impossible, but difficult.

I lived with my ex-husband before we married - nothing changed after, except as Miss Saigon said, my signature - however I was very young when we married and niave to think that some of the issues that I though would resolve themselves, didn't - we always got on well, and today we get on better than ever before - but I wouldn't marry him again because we have both changed.

Being in any relationship here in Qatar has been difficult - as men here have a very different outlook on how they want their women to be - so if you had to live with someone here (discreetly) it would lead to a better understanding of both parties - and then you could decide if you wanted to make it a permanent thing.

I am a very strong-willed person - I think my boyfriend likes that - however I know he also likes to take charge of situations - something I am not used to because I have always been one to take charge - I find it hard to let go - if we lived together we could possibly learn compromises - but again - at my age - do I really want to change who and what I am? Even for a man?

Sorry, might have rambled a bit - or even gone off topic - just thought I would give some extra insite.

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


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