yes, the signals are a bit disturbing to smooth flow.
But nevertheless, signals are better than the policeman on duty stopping vehicles on r/a. That often is like a knee jerk and one has to react quick to make sure the car behind you is not too close and also look at the next lane.
I have felt that if everyone maintains the speed limit for round abouts (its 30 isn't it?) then there is no need for either of the above. Its jerks racing at 60+ on roundabouts that deprives some others their chance.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
yes, the signals are a bit disturbing to smooth flow.
But nevertheless, signals are better than the policeman on duty stopping vehicles on r/a. That often is like a knee jerk and one has to react quick to make sure the car behind you is not too close and also look at the next lane.
I have felt that if everyone maintains the speed limit for round abouts (its 30 isn't it?) then there is no need for either of the above. Its jerks racing at 60+ on roundabouts that deprives some others their chance.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.