belong to a very strange sect living in the interior of BC, somewhere around Midway and Grand Forks,,"Bountiful" it could be.
They are very closely associated with a group(s) in the States which have carried this practice over from 150 years ago, and a practice which seems to have less and less to do with religious beliefs as the years go on.
The practice was made illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada, but there has been a constitutional challenge to these provisions of the Criminal Code pursuant to several sections of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The argument put forth is that if a country can have gay or lesbian marriage, then what is the issue with polygamy. Its a reasonable arguement if thats all there is to the story. It isn't though, and thats why they are being prosecuted.
It is my understanding that the reason why this sect and practice is being prosecuted is that of abuse.Front and center. I don't think that the majority of Canadians now give a toot about who marries who, gay, lesbian, multiple spouses,,,religious or non-religious. Its the abuse component/aspect that concerns everyone. Minors/chidren are not to be subjected to arranged marriages. Having attained adult status combined with informed consent and choice will, I believe, be what the Court will restrict its ruling to.