no-one over ever stated or thought that we were superior. We would look at all this silly stuff one sees on the international news,,,riots in Pakistan, thugs in Russia, people chanting wildly in the streets for the guy who paid them to do it, and we thought it was the exception to the rule,,,that it was like watching something on Walt Disney. The shock came when coming to the 3rd world is that this is how it really is SO unlike how we perceive and live our lives...we have pet animals, we care for each other a lot,,,we extremely high levels of education,,,as I said before, we operate with the philosophy of the Greeks, the law of the Romans, 2 industrial, one technological, and now a game-changing green revolution,,,we make and invent everything we use, we walk on the moon, explore Mars by proxy, go 9000 feet below the surface of the sea, we fly in our own airplanes at mach .95,,,,,we circle the planet in our own space station, we have our wonderful literature, our varied and intricate music,,, we do not wish we were another colour, , we never try to copy anyone,,,and the faces on our billboards reflect ourselves,,,we never want to purposely do harm,,,,and we do this all ourselves,via our own intuition,,,,it is a reflection of who we are and it will keep on coming, it will not stop,,,and I cannot wait until to invent and develop more as a people.....I won't say that we are better, because thats not what we do,,,but I can say that, as a people,we are very, very different.