do you suppose our parents were created by God? and our forefathers? They were created in the same way that you created your son. Turn to God as a Father, instead of a MASTER, and you will have a different perspective of who God is. He is not what the books say He is or was! I have no religion, but i am still being blessed. I focus on thanking God and leave the politics of religions created by man. Moses and the rest of the prophets did not create a religion, but a relationship with God/Allah/YHVH. It was the follower of your prophet who made it to a point that your prophet will never be forgotten, much like Christ and Moses and the rest of the prophets.

Religion is nothing but politics. People killing people for the sake of their "belief". Is that what God had planned for His "creation"? Politics, eversince, is the dirtiest of all the games people played.

And God will not ask you if you are Christian or Muslim when you die! It's being used to scare people out and instead turn to their religion for salvation of their soul. It's good if you are following the teachings and living it. Most of the time, you just read it and assume that God had blessed you because you read his "words". God doesn't favor anyone...why would he ask your religion when you die? Is that how feeble minded your idea of God is?

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!