Wow...khalid...that was very informative...imagine a mosquito being the reason why i should believe to what was written in the book...and it needs DIVINE INTERVENTION for us to realize it, don't we? God gave us reasoning and intelligence because he wants us to discover ourselves all the things that he provided...why would he need to tell someone long ago about things that will be discovered and studied in the future? As an example of your "conception" theory found in your book, how hard is it to imagine a female person having miscarriage at the early stage of her conception? And if you were there, won't you see what the "baby" look like while inside the womb? God needs to "tell" him that this needs to be written in the book so that others will believe that it came from him? Galileo discovered gravity by observing 2 metal balls being dropped from the leaning tower of hard is it to imagine that same thing happened to your prophet, that he observed it himself and wrote it in the book because that's how observant he is of his surrounding? And people just sensationalized this event without even thinking that this can be observed? Yeah, i agree that science only proved it later, but do you need science to look at the miscarriaged baby? You only need your eyes and reasoning to tell what it looked need for God to tell us WHAT IS OBVIOUS around us.
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!
Wow...khalid...that was very informative...imagine a mosquito being the reason why i should believe to what was written in the book...and it needs DIVINE INTERVENTION for us to realize it, don't we? God gave us reasoning and intelligence because he wants us to discover ourselves all the things that he provided...why would he need to tell someone long ago about things that will be discovered and studied in the future? As an example of your "conception" theory found in your book, how hard is it to imagine a female person having miscarriage at the early stage of her conception? And if you were there, won't you see what the "baby" look like while inside the womb? God needs to "tell" him that this needs to be written in the book so that others will believe that it came from him? Galileo discovered gravity by observing 2 metal balls being dropped from the leaning tower of hard is it to imagine that same thing happened to your prophet, that he observed it himself and wrote it in the book because that's how observant he is of his surrounding? And people just sensationalized this event without even thinking that this can be observed? Yeah, i agree that science only proved it later, but do you need science to look at the miscarriaged baby? You only need your eyes and reasoning to tell what it looked need for God to tell us WHAT IS OBVIOUS around us.
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!