Habibi - Hmm.. NIce.. those where the -ves of sticking emotionally to the group you belong.. or as I say.. label you stick on your head and dance for it for rest of your life...

But being attached to your groups too is important..

for a culture to survive... people need to love their culture.. else it wont grow...

The children wont follow the rituals.. and again it ll come down to the Jungle rules.. may be this time we ll be equipped with little more better weapons.. thts it...

And how in this world is it possible... to love your Group.. but still respect the fact tht others love their group too..

One I know is be with them...

Eat with them.. be with them... they are as stupid as you are... they are as smart as you are..

they love their land ... language.. beliefs.. food.. as much as you do yours... you ll know.. all this is fake.. but necessary ...

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol