Riks - Since when Terrorists where scared of these law abiding citizens.... ??

We do what we have to do.... what we think is correct..

if building frenship and coming up with innovative jokes ( honestly I never liked your jokes. specially on me... they all where pathetic.. I don know why they laugh at them.. yukkkk ) is labeled as hijack... either they better change the dictionary which is referred.. or accept the fact...

That Rizks is a Dumb Jack a$$ and should not expect anything intellectual from him ...

These attack can also be viewed as Racial attack on Dumb people... for not being smart enough.... lol...

Goat is Arien... Don you Hijack a Profile and identity now...

I swear to Green Bottles.. this wont be tolerated...
I ll complain to bella.. and she ll punish you ...
by not kissing you this weekend....

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol