EMN - Banning the Initiator of the fan club ??? lol..

Love is really Blind...

Ohk.. So people... back to business...

we need some senti Love crap forums...
If Jimmi doesn live up to the great cause.. who shall do THE job ??

StarFaith ??? No who ll take care of the fan club then ?? and she calle dme Bhai. so khallas...

EMN ?? (No hes ll be in all Hindi Swearingss)
Rizks - ?? Na.. dude gonna write Bella Bella Nothing else.
Pajju ?? Most romantic word he has written is "lol"
( Note - lol is the only word he writes... )

Sonaam ?? Na.. fellow is too good in his sun glasses to be Jimmi...

RMS ?? Still flirting with the wrong ones.. doesn know wht is love... to shy to love :)

SomewhereNthe middle ??? Too young and lost in the middle. :)

FS - NA.... She ll ban herself from QL... :)

Arien - Too drunk... already fallen in many places coz of Green bottles.. can't fall in Love too....

BlueMountain ??? No .. searching for Jimmadi... we wont disturb... cont the hard wrk....

cynbob ??? No... he ll be busy debating around in other serious forums... wont write a stupid romantic one. :(

Victory_278692 ?? Too logical and intellectual to fall in love.. not our types...

MissX- Fighting for the womens freedom of expression i Doha... no time for Love... Sorry guyz...

Someonenew - ??? No.. he is new... where is the question of letting him take this responsibility...

Delhi Boy ??? He is a Bloody Indian.. we ask him to be romantic and he ll start singing Bollywood songs with those Dance steps... BIG NO...

SNOWWHITE ????????
Yes yes... a Big YEs...

Her Post... very much like Jimmadi's.. made no sense to me... :)

And others whom I missed,,,, Jus let me know.. and I shall let you the reason why you are not chosen for the Big Job....

And Rizks - You Dumb piece of left over Birthday cake of `1932... This is not a Big post...

This was a survey ... :)

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol