...it has no knowledge or history with money, and does not know its value. Locals think that money id free, and it will always bite those who think that way, eventually, and hard.
Housing prices here were and are like the throwing of a dart at a wall and seeing if it sticks. For 18,000 QR, you can rent a beautiful place in London, Paris or New York. Here it gets you a villa in a compound built by 3rd worlders, and starting to crumble like a 3rd world hut. There is not even the slightest hint of pride of workmanship, or fit for purpose,,,they don't even bother to sell you that anymore.
My bet is to anyone that with prices already falling 30%, you will see another 25% this coming year, and a realistic rent rate following that.
A 1800 sq. foot villa should be worth 6000 QR per monthmaximum,,, and thats the truth folks....