Count me IN gal...

This guy needs some ICU treatment..

Damn how did I miss these fun threads so long.... :(

I was too busy fighting for womens rights I guess :(

Now shall have to ask someone to volunteer and help this dude out...

Below mentioned is the stuff he has written in About me -
When you LOVE, you will get HURT.... that's a fact.. It's part of the pain-plesure phenomenon.. You can not LOVE wisely because loving doesnt involved thinking.. Thinking results in a concious choice.. But you cannot choose whom to fall in LOVE with....Before LOVING someone, it is important that you should first learn to LOVE yourself... You should know yourself, understand yourself and keep that perception of yourself in mind...

If these lines are used at the right moment.... No gal is ever gonna say no to any guy...

Timining is all tht matters.. :)

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol