Mr Jim - This is getting interesting....

But pls do not expect me to give rational and reasonable clues with every post... I have mentioned all in the previous one...

here is the list attached of all guz who where suppose to come officially -

1. WitchStix + 1 - present
2. Aswindoke - present
3. mjamille28 - present
4. chinitasai08 - present
5. nadinenana - present
6. rebel - present
7. junarc2003 - Female - I know
8. TCOM - present
9. FS - Female - I know
10. Smoke - present
11. HappyGolucky - Male - I know
12. Omar Waheed - present
13. Khannan - present
14. Strange - Female - I know
16. Princeabdullah19 - present
17. DMS - present -B DAY Boy
18. Bit_wits - Male - Smoke Knows
19. archer78 - present
20. Loulsy - present
21. KSA - present
22. NOMS - present
24. crazy_fish - present
25. Djkiller - Messaged Not coming
26. Starfaith25 - present
27. xpressodoc - Messaged not coming - Indian - I know
28. zhyiellha + 1 - present ( :( no sis )
29. Ukeng - present

Only Alpha_Wolf and Legal_Pad . . . which are suspense...

You still wanna Play this Mr. Jim ????

Ohk I live no loose end now and shall be unbiased too...


This is Alpha_Wolf

If you are not Legal_Pad - The About Me suits you the image 100%
I still shall give you benefit of doubt saying
LEGAL PAD could add a photo to post... which many can not..

And Wolf accepted in forum,, he had tough time opening and sending PMs...

So If not Legal_PAd - Jus out of respect for your comments.. then you are

And If you are Alpha_Wolf - Tell me on which of my forum have you posted... and what ???

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol