Mr Paul - Pls do not get me wrong.. Extremist... I mean more than Muslim ones...

Back homw in India.. I see Extremist in many religions and also for saving there people .. of a particular area etc..

I refer to all

Brit & Mr Paul - Yes this is a Punishment to a criminal... I know tht... more than tit for tat thing.. it is to warn people from committing the same crime again..

But what are we doin here.. we are trying to protect a set of rules which we had/have made to live a happy life...
Social set up... and we are attached to it...
To sustain the set up - any body who tries to break them.... we punish them.. so tht others do not repeat this and the breaking of rules is not done by many...

Biggest example of someone who is breaking Social or parental teaching is a GAY.... they break our social set up like anything..

Tht is not the discussion here..

Point I wanna make is... Like we try our level best to sustain a Ideology... the present society...

Same is done by these Extremists group... They are not attached to Social set ... they are attached to something.. which is causing problem to our set up....

To solve the problem of extremists - What I think...

Is not by killing them.. killing a ideology is diff...

But letting them know... tht the labels we have put on our heads.. of religion.. nationality... language... are to sustain the diverse social set up....
There is no use to KILL for a label... no use to DIE for it....

And best punishment I think to a man is... keep him alive.. and deprived of social life...

If he doesn have anything to look upto when he wakes up next morning.. cannot hope for a change in his todays life...

For him... death is like a blessing... (Now I sound )

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol