Man.. don you guyz live a life... so many posts on w weekend night :(.....
PCG - Ya... could be.... :) ... But I shared wht I read often these dayz...
Osman Yissah - Reaching 72 shall be a dream come true for the Junk food generation of mine...
But its definitely not the age tht is the reason for these guyz...
may be they are not able to afford the lavish lifestyle anymore... tht could be a reason....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Man.. don you guyz live a life... so many posts on w weekend night :(.....
PCG - Ya... could be.... :) ... But I shared wht I read often these dayz...
Osman Yissah - Reaching 72 shall be a dream come true for the Junk food generation of mine...
But its definitely not the age tht is the reason for these guyz...
may be they are not able to afford the lavish lifestyle anymore... tht could be a reason....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol