I was trying my level best to help people open up those who where feeling shy to talk in front of the unknown guyz....
And may be tht is why I didn look like me to you....
But I did enjoy ??????
n T_COM would you mind telling me wht is Usual me ??.. I really wanna know....
Omar - With you ... DAmn I was like I m with my college frens... talking real Boyish stuff.... :) we need to grow up soon....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
T_COM - Damn.... I hate smart people...
I was trying my level best to help people open up those who where feeling shy to talk in front of the unknown guyz....
And may be tht is why I didn look like me to you....
But I did enjoy ??????
n T_COM would you mind telling me wht is Usual me ??.. I really wanna know....
Omar - With you ... DAmn I was like I m with my college frens... talking real Boyish stuff.... :) we need to grow up soon....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol