Jaryz -

Even we would love to see you around with us....

You would be the proud nomination and probable winner of "MOST FEMINIST AVTAR AWARD" :)

Transport should be the least of the issues n worries to come.....

If you do not want to reveal your residence area in Public..... PM to your beloved KAT - Smoke... n it should be arranged for you....

Of course if Transport is the only issue.... something else more important to do..... we ll catch up next time...

No problimo At all....

NOMs - Ya man..... this forum is hijacked (on n off ) since the very first page..... can't call it a ideal forum for sure...

But as I had said earlier... the more messier it looks.... actually better it is... :)

And don worry.... you are not the only one who is not sticking to the topic......

How many of my posts actually talk about deciding a venue ???

I am the biggest Terrorist.. the Hijacker here... :)
How can I complain... :)

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol