Apologies if I go all postal on you here:

You said, "But the other women are not as confident and determined as you (PM). The reason for split up in most cases is the uncompromising nature of women. A true muslim woman would allow her husband to have second wife while being a legal and responsible father to her kids. And this is where the west and muslims differ..."

So PM is unique in her character, you think? The rest of us are -- what? -- weak-willed, self-doubting females??

Yes, of course, it is OUR uncompromising nature that screws up this entire equation. If only we would submit to allow our husbands to marry and screw another woman on a regular basis, all would be well in the world.
How wrong of me not to have seen that all along...

And earlier you said, "well, incidents like young kids shooting in schools do not happen in the part of the world where parents do stay in the bad relationship for the sake of kids! what is the guarante that you don't end up in another yet worse relationship? why not try and settle things amicably? Among muslims polygamy is the answer for situations like PM is in."

I'm sorry -- did I miss the causal connection between parents not staying in a loveless marriage and school shootings? I would have thought it had more to do with the crap gun control laws in the US, for instance... Who knew?

And you're right -- there is no guarantee that you won't end up in a worse relationship if you leave your current one. But is that reason enough to stay in an unsatisfying one? Because the next one might not be any better? Apparently you think it is...

And newsflash: divorces CAN actually occur amicably, and as PM said, parents don't need to be married to share a commitment towards raising their child(ren) in a positive, loving way.

All of this is yet another reminder of why I say THANK GOD I was born in a secular state and am not confined by these small-minded notions of how women should behave.

More great quotes I'll leave you with:

"Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition." ~ Timothy Leary

"The trouble with some women is they get all excited about nothing - and then they marry him." ~ Cher

"Men who treat women as helpless and charming playthings deserve women who treat men as delightful and generous bank accounts." ~ Author Unknown

"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou