Who all were the Dudes and the Beauties who wanted to attend last time but couldn make it ???
1. Omar
3. Zhy
4. UKEngQatar
5. 000 - If you don feel shy anymore to meet 20+
6. DJKiller - better be on time for this one
7. Heartsbeat
8. Ranishkt
9. Jaryz
11. RMS ( You better enter this time.. it s an order)
12. And Bella Of course... Rizks... you bringing her
this time or enjoy the bachelor hood... ?
13. LilBoPeep - You might find your Sheep while having a
Coffee - B T W you can bring your Zeus (Cat you
named thks to us) to accompany SMOKI KAT... lol
14. Panda - Buddy lots of Bamboos served with Coffee :)
- If you in town.. do try to make it...
16. HappyGoLucky - I think he ll like to come... I ll
check up with him....
Did I miss Any ?????
Thats a bloody long list...
Besides also the brave hearts of QLSG first blood line.. who wanna enjoy some good coffee with some new faces....
And of course last but not the least.. the fellows you had come last time... Can I take you guyz for granted??? you ll be there for sure ????
To People I know - pls refer the above list and contact the guyz you know and ask whether they can attend this one ......
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Who all were the Dudes and the Beauties who wanted to attend last time but couldn make it ???
1. Omar
3. Zhy
4. UKEngQatar
5. 000 - If you don feel shy anymore to meet 20+
6. DJKiller - better be on time for this one
7. Heartsbeat
8. Ranishkt
9. Jaryz
11. RMS ( You better enter this time.. it s an order)
12. And Bella Of course... Rizks... you bringing her
this time or enjoy the bachelor hood... ?
13. LilBoPeep - You might find your Sheep while having a
Coffee - B T W you can bring your Zeus (Cat you
named thks to us) to accompany SMOKI KAT... lol
14. Panda - Buddy lots of Bamboos served with Coffee :)
- If you in town.. do try to make it...
16. HappyGoLucky - I think he ll like to come... I ll
check up with him....
Did I miss Any ?????
Thats a bloody long list...
Besides also the brave hearts of QLSG first blood line.. who wanna enjoy some good coffee with some new faces....
And of course last but not the least.. the fellows you had come last time... Can I take you guyz for granted??? you ll be there for sure ????
To People I know - pls refer the above list and contact the guyz you know and ask whether they can attend this one ......
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol