ellow_Bel - first thign first... even I stay at Muntaza...
But don have a Car either.. Smoke n Witch can pick n drop us.... no problimo.....
Jus PM me.. or witchstixs.. not Smoke so tht we can contact you on phone or something and shall go there together....
Others - Damn ... Why I always miss the fun... 100 + posts n I was missing.. :(
Thks to Smoek.. Venue Time Date decided...
Smoke n I shall come early n Leave late... as long as you guyz are paying our bills.. we don mind waiting..lol...
MJ - No problem... bump in at 9 30 10.. we ll be there...
Arien/Rizks - Dude.. Munna stays near and has a Green Bottle factory ???
Yella. lets watch the CL final at his place after this thenn ..lol I am dead serious...
Munna is it ok with you ????
___________________________________________ Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
ellow_Bel - first thign first... even I stay at Muntaza...
But don have a Car either.. Smoke n Witch can pick n drop us.... no problimo.....
Jus PM me.. or witchstixs.. not Smoke so tht we can contact you on phone or something and shall go there together....
Others - Damn ... Why I always miss the fun... 100 + posts n I was missing.. :(
Thks to Smoek.. Venue Time Date decided...
Smoke n I shall come early n Leave late... as long as you guyz are paying our bills.. we don mind waiting..lol...
MJ - No problem... bump in at 9 30 10.. we ll be there...
Arien/Rizks - Dude.. Munna stays near and has a Green Bottle factory ???
Yella. lets watch the CL final at his place after this thenn ..lol I am dead serious...
Munna is it ok with you ????
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol