something rather extrordinary happened there last night. The young and educated women were adament in their cause that they will not to be subjected any longer, for whatever reason. I think that these results are going to be a central discussion in many Qatari households for the next while,,,these young women have gained a foothold and will not retreat on this...they have gained a tactical advantage and can now point to this educated forum, one that is to be broadcast worldwide on BBC no less, and say "look, I told you before, and now I have proof,,,things have changed, I will not be a subordinate any longer" North America we had watershed moments, when you can say that that was the day society changed, and this was one.
You should have been there,,,it was very nice to see very competent and confident young people say, with the greatest respect, that they weren't going to take it any longer...
I think that the boys driving the Land Cruisers will have some tough adjusting to do in the future :)
...and for those above me here commenting,,,and with the greatest respect I say this, those quoting the Quran last night lost the battle decisively. If I were you I would put away the good Book and read "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", or whatever the newest one is,,,these young women last night were way, way beyond that.