mmyke - Thanks for sharing.

But I strongly feel.. today Society is going away from Religion as it wants change.... as always...

After few years... when they forget the problems caused by sticking to God and live bigger problems caused by not sticking to God..... Shall result in Society going back to Religious way of living...

Its a cycle.... nothing shall stop this....

Its not the education that is taking people away from God.. it is the way it is given.....
Forget about the religion.... but which Education system is concerned and focusing on producing students with high moral value and socially aware... which system makes you live and be a Good human.... ???

They all make us slaves... Slaves of Society....
Society needs workers to run itself... and we really look forward to be one.....

All of us are not living happily as it should be..... its the hope tht in future we shall live a good life...
and screw up the very life... the present.....
THe time when you are happy never comes.... End of one problem or stage signifies beginning on another...
Never experienced happiness more than a fraction of second for achieving the Goal...

The goal which this society compels to choose..... :(

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol