The motion was that a muslim woman could be free to marry "anyone" she wished. This was taken by all to be broad enough and did include non-muslim men. Indeed, it was broad enough to emcompass lesbian marriage, but no-one went there because the focus was on a male-female marriage, muslim and non-muslim. The participants were 2 clerics, one for and one against, and two women, one a liberal author (for the motion) and the other was a psychologist or marriage counselor of some sort, who was against the motion. The clerics kept relying on the God and Mohammad thing, the pyschologist relyed on a "peace within the home and family" thing (she would always end up taking a micro global perspective, and the lady liberal author would take the "to be free in your choice, its an individual's freedom to choose that counts, not the God thing or the micro-global-peace- within- the-family-society-position that matters" The motion passed 62% in favour.
What I brought away from the debate is that the positions that the clerics brought forward and defended are going to cause, and are causing a train wreck. In western societies, where religion was held with high esteem several decades ago, society began to evolve in a direction different from that of religion. Religion tried to pull society back, but could not. Society got off the train 25 years ago and the two have parted. This is happening here now, and its inevitable. The clerics were left rather dumbfounded on the stage while the crowd ignored them and had a lively discussion afterwards.The God thing cannot exist in societies with high levels of education. Its a product of peasantry and poor cultures where dreams of a life that is wonderful after death, gives the poor something to think of while enduring their miserable condition while alive on earth.
In 15 years Islam is going to have to handle same-sex marriage,,,that will be interesting to watch.
I want tickets to that debate!!
The motion was that a muslim woman could be free to marry "anyone" she wished. This was taken by all to be broad enough and did include non-muslim men. Indeed, it was broad enough to emcompass lesbian marriage, but no-one went there because the focus was on a male-female marriage, muslim and non-muslim. The participants were 2 clerics, one for and one against, and two women, one a liberal author (for the motion) and the other was a psychologist or marriage counselor of some sort, who was against the motion. The clerics kept relying on the God and Mohammad thing, the pyschologist relyed on a "peace within the home and family" thing (she would always end up taking a micro global perspective, and the lady liberal author would take the "to be free in your choice, its an individual's freedom to choose that counts, not the God thing or the micro-global-peace- within- the-family-society-position that matters" The motion passed 62% in favour.
What I brought away from the debate is that the positions that the clerics brought forward and defended are going to cause, and are causing a train wreck. In western societies, where religion was held with high esteem several decades ago, society began to evolve in a direction different from that of religion. Religion tried to pull society back, but could not. Society got off the train 25 years ago and the two have parted. This is happening here now, and its inevitable. The clerics were left rather dumbfounded on the stage while the crowd ignored them and had a lively discussion afterwards.The God thing cannot exist in societies with high levels of education. Its a product of peasantry and poor cultures where dreams of a life that is wonderful after death, gives the poor something to think of while enduring their miserable condition while alive on earth.
In 15 years Islam is going to have to handle same-sex marriage,,,that will be interesting to watch.
I want tickets to that debate!!