PCG - In the early days.. Dowry was a gift given willingly by the Brides Parents to there daughter to start a new life...
The groom had no say on it.. She could use it the way she wanted to.....
but eventually it became a Compulsory thing... Then took a Dirty face and is cause root of many social issues of Society.....
Jus like Initially you gave tips/gifts to driving instructors as per your wish and both enjoyed.. the trainee and the instructor...
Not they ask for it.. and the whole thing looks very ugly today.... :)
___________________________________________ Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
PCG - In the early days.. Dowry was a gift given willingly by the Brides Parents to there daughter to start a new life...
The groom had no say on it.. She could use it the way she wanted to.....
but eventually it became a Compulsory thing...
Then took a Dirty face and is cause root of many social issues of Society.....
Jus like Initially you gave tips/gifts to driving instructors as per your wish and both enjoyed.. the trainee and the instructor...
Not they ask for it.. and the whole thing looks very ugly today.... :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol