seny0rita - Thk God for goin out of words n thoughts....
Tht was enough,,,,, :)
Shameful Sex??????
Till now - if you do not have license from the society to have it... it has the shame flavor.....
Else it is ok... even to Discuss in open tht we are not conceiving a baby... wht to Do...
People say try harder.... one more time... n there is no shame in discussing tht.... We have the license...
Society does play a big role in our Mental conditioning.... Religion - Sub-set of society
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
seny0rita - Thk God for goin out of words n thoughts....
Tht was enough,,,,, :)
Shameful Sex??????
Till now - if you do not have license from the society to have it... it has the shame flavor.....
Else it is ok... even to Discuss in open tht we are not conceiving a baby... wht to Do...
People say try harder.... one more time... n there is no shame in discussing tht.... We have the license...
Society does play a big role in our Mental conditioning.... Religion - Sub-set of society
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol