Your numerous and heartfelt efforts are laudable, but CBD is just spouting off the same old stuff he always has. Don't waste your time or breath on this guy.

WE (and anyone with five brain cells to rub together)know that women's rights in the west surpass those in the east. We also know and acknowledge that they're not perfect anywhere, so every country/region has progress to make.

If CBD could argue and debate effectively, and actually cared at all about the issue, he'd actually be interested in and trying to advance women's rights in his own backyard. But he can't, and he doesn't, so he won't.

He'd much rather wind people up on QL by yanking their chains, making patently ridiculous statements like 'the east and west are basically the same when it comes to women's rights'.
If someone makes a factual error, he calls them a liar -- yet he isn't willing to adopt that moniker himself when he spouts off untruths. He discounts everyone else's personal observations and experiences, yet he relies upon his own as the gospel truth that everyone else should accept. He doesn't understand what 'freedom of choice' means or the fact that crime against women doesn't indicate a lack of women's rights (because crimes are committed against all types of people).

This is a typical example of CBD's rhetorical skills:
"It is a universal given too that East has dignified women long a time ago during which West considered women to be Devils believe it or not."

I'm sorry, but WTF does this even mean? "Universal given"? "...believe it or not"? LOL! Talking to CBD is like talking to an 8 year old; you make lots of perplexed expressions and do a lot of eye rolling when you listen to him explain things.

CBD -- spend some time and effort improving your knowledge base AND your reasoning and argumentative skills, and when you've made some progress let us know.

"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou