couldnt agree more NBS is doing good job as a new school ....they're listen to ur need and work with you too .....and everybody is so cooperative with you all the way to even the security guard who's the same person everyday ......they're assembly system is make it the kids enjoy to go to school ...I have a bright kids and average kids too bright kids have enough challenge as i work with the teacher , although I sometimes supply the material as I was a homeschooling my kids in the US, so I just gave the teacher an extra reading book that i was going to leave behind when I leave Qatar anyway. It was perfect, my average kids love to learn she could stop telling how great is her teacher is much as I do have little here & there complaint but the most important things my kids Happy and I believe education is come from the house , I Wouldn't give that responsibility to school. and if u not happy with the school, either u work with it and make it the school they way that compromising with ur standard or just forget about it, complaint wont solve the problem. Well at least that what I believe ........everyone have the right to their own opinion.