i hate this, specially in the traffic signal and the light just truned green and ur car i like 5th or 6th in the que! its like cars have wings to fly, or its like cars are programmed to move the second traffic light turns green!!
abt switching lanes without using the signal... its so common here, as if theyre gonna be fined if they use their signals! or as if hard labor is need to ouch those silly buttons. how s2pid those people are!
i experienced the same happygolucky, he honked at me, i switched lanes and drove the same speed as him and honked back and turned my face
i hate this, specially in the traffic signal and the light just truned green and ur car i like 5th or 6th in the que! its like cars have wings to fly, or its like cars are programmed to move the second traffic light turns green!!
abt switching lanes without using the signal... its so common here, as if theyre gonna be fined if they use their signals! or as if hard labor is need to ouch those silly buttons. how s2pid those people are!
i experienced the same happygolucky, he honked at me, i switched lanes and drove the same speed as him and honked back and turned my face
as they say.... what to do y3ani!
////3ai kalam///