Gravitational force is the link between Sun n Earth...
As it is not perceptional by the 5 sense organs we have, you term it bond and not a link.
And if we still are answering the initial questions, not even started answering them, when did we change the time Zone????
You say we are not here to see or judge Good or Bad Human are doin today...
But we are searching for answers to questions of before our entry into this world, after our exit, evolution, devolution....
CBD/Volcano - Help me... You know its all messed up big time inside my head now.....
If we are not answering to these questions one by one, rather coming up with one after the other.... makes it difficult for me....
Start answering or at least discussing the answers... I gave mine, expecting something from you guyz....
And let us take one at a time....
___________________________________________ Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Gravitational force is the link between Sun n Earth...
As it is not perceptional by the 5 sense organs we have, you term it bond and not a link.
And if we still are answering the initial questions, not even started answering them, when did we change the time Zone????
You say we are not here to see or judge Good or Bad Human are doin today...
But we are searching for answers to questions of before our entry into this world, after our exit, evolution, devolution....
CBD/Volcano - Help me... You know its all messed up big time inside my head now.....
If we are not answering to these questions one by one, rather coming up with one after the other.... makes it difficult for me....
Start answering or at least discussing the answers...
I gave mine, expecting something from you guyz....
And let us take one at a time....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol