Ohk Enough of BAshing kids... Now time for lect...
On Hindu Religion treats Cow (Gao mata) as mother/God - with a scientific Spine of course....
Cow is suppose to give you the Following -
2. Cow Dung - Used as fuel,fertilizer in farms (exported to Australia too..as the cow dung in Australia doesn have bactria tht can digest/break the cow dung into fertilizers...) and unlike human Dung.. it doesn smell at all.. thks to this little bacteria which resides...
3. Urine - is not to drink. (but have read wht brites n shreya said... drinking yours is recommended medically.. but also saw on discovery channel it should be consumed within 20 30 mins after taking it out.. else the amonia acts funny and its no more good/recommended medically)
4. Calfs - Which become Bulls later where to cultivate/plough farms... to have them ofcourse you need to respect and love there mother too.
5. Cow is one animal which was vital for the pre-mechanical civilization... it used to give so much ...
n in return jus expected love...
The unconditional love of a Cow has earned her place of a Mother and God in Hindu Civilization...
Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.
Ohk Enough of BAshing kids... Now time for lect...
On Hindu Religion treats Cow (Gao mata) as mother/God - with a scientific Spine of course....
Cow is suppose to give you the Following -
1. Milk - From milk - Yogurt, Butter, cheese etc etc..
2. Cow Dung - Used as fuel,fertilizer in farms (exported to Australia too..as the cow dung in Australia doesn have bactria tht can digest/break the cow dung into fertilizers...) and unlike human Dung.. it doesn smell at all.. thks to this little bacteria which resides...
3. Urine - is not to drink. (but have read wht brites n shreya said... drinking yours is recommended medically.. but also saw on discovery channel it should be consumed within 20 30 mins after taking it out.. else the amonia acts funny and its no more good/recommended medically)
4. Calfs - Which become Bulls later where to cultivate/plough farms... to have them ofcourse you need to respect and love there mother too.
5. Cow is one animal which was vital for the pre-mechanical civilization... it used to give so much ...
n in return jus expected love...
The unconditional love of a Cow has earned her place of a Mother and God in Hindu Civilization...
Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.