To this Extremism... irrespective of which religion..

Globalization n modernization seem to be a practical solution which even though is in budding stage shall grow up strong to fight against this evil..

The younger generation as do not follow any religion with affection or sincerely... and we say they are not religious... n society is falling down..
Yes it has problems...many social issues crop up..... but these guyz shall not kill each other to save there religion or whtevr the extremists do...

The immediate problem is getting a solution..

You want people to be religious. when in the name of religion we are jus taught to fight to save our identity n to be the sole religion ... no more a cool thing...
if m a jerk.. still happy to be so... better than the pseudo-religious people...

The problems which are coming up we ll see wht to do...

The bitches talking about Dieing for Religion - When they know nothing about death n nothing about religion (Inspiration - Troy movie)

Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.