Few????? You are questioning the very definition of "few" by calling tht number few...

Jokes apart...

dude (Your profile says you are a guy but the pic says the other way... no props... its democracy... I ll go with Dude)
The very Fact the Countries are Democratic should be the reason why there should not be Racism..

I am here considering the question/s why?? are for the Racism in countries boycotting ..
As your post is below the one saying tht

if it is something else and I am Dumb enough (very high chances) to interpret the other way.. do let me know....

Democracy does give you right to voice your opinion... It is wise to put your opinion forward for any issue in the system or something similar... But democracy doesn mean you criticize n humiliate someone who was born in different Climatic Condition n doesn look like you...

If the Voice is against the people coming from other countries n affecting the normal living of the local citizens... then criticizing the migration is acceptable but not criticizing the person for his race, color n economic status...

You must have definitely Seen "Spider Man".. Peter Parker aka Toby McQuire says.. I quote "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility" I unquote.

Democracy does give you right to Express your views... But it also Bestows upon you Duty/responsibility to use it wisely.....

Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.