To be honest, I did forsee this, I knew 1st March would never happen, and to be honest, I don't think 1st September will either.
I applied to be in the 1st 1000, but they denied me, probably because I live in Nuajia, which is probably too far away to get a signal.. Lol..
I must say, I'm quite impressed with Qtel, all these new shops are looking pretty good, and their customer service replied to my email the other day quite quickly.
I think everyone just got too excited at the news of a second mobile provider, you can never get your hopes up for anything in Qatar.
To be honest, I did forsee this, I knew 1st March would never happen, and to be honest, I don't think 1st September will either.
I applied to be in the 1st 1000, but they denied me, probably because I live in Nuajia, which is probably too far away to get a signal.. Lol..
I must say, I'm quite impressed with Qtel, all these new shops are looking pretty good, and their customer service replied to my email the other day quite quickly.
I think everyone just got too excited at the news of a second mobile provider, you can never get your hopes up for anything in Qatar.