MS...about religion not being made by's funny how you explain it. What made you so sure that your prophet was the last one??? Is it because HE SAID SO??? What made you so sure that after your prophet's death, no other "messengers" appeared? Is it again because "HE SAID SO"??? So the God portrayed in your religion is BIAS and FAVORS only those who joins you.

That's a sick GOD. Same as the Bible GOD who kills innocent children for the benefit of the Israelites.

My God doesn't favor and is just. Simple rule He implied. What you do to others will be done to you. That's the universal rule. No need to read 1000 pages of text. Just read one line.

There is only one God.. Laa illaha illalah...but he has no messenger to create a religion.

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!