Driver comment:""We have to pay a fixed amount to the company every day whether we earn that much or not. These days we don’t make any profits, even if we work hard,” lamented a driver""
Karwa Managment comment""A senior official of Mowasalat, however, said yesterday that Karwa taxis were operating normally and no significant drop in the daily collection had been reported so far""
thats so funny..the driver has to pay 265 riyals everyday whether he earn it or he gives it from his own pocket and the official says that no significant drop in the daily collection had been reported so far..ofcourse when the driver has to pay that much amount in any case then how can there be a dropdown in money collection...these people think that the citizens are idiot and see nothing...we have eyes dude.we can see,hear & speak.its just because of this kind of dumb managment that people have already boycott the Karwa Taxi....i don't know how the CEO of the company doesn't take any action againt this kind of managment being unfair to the drivers...these kind of targets make them drive taxi fast and most of the times they endup banging someone risking their and the customer's life..
Driver comment:""We have to pay a fixed amount to the company every day whether we earn that much or not. These days we don’t make any profits, even if we work hard,” lamented a driver""
Karwa Managment comment""A senior official of Mowasalat, however, said yesterday that Karwa taxis were operating normally and no significant drop in the daily collection had been reported so far""
thats so funny..the driver has to pay 265 riyals everyday whether he earn it or he gives it from his own pocket and the official says that no significant drop in the daily collection had been reported so far..ofcourse when the driver has to pay that much amount in any case then how can there be a dropdown in money collection...these people think that the citizens are idiot and see nothing...we have eyes dude.we can see,hear & speak.its just because of this kind of dumb managment that people have already boycott the Karwa Taxi....i don't know how the CEO of the company doesn't take any action againt this kind of managment being unfair to the drivers...these kind of targets make them drive taxi fast and most of the times they endup banging someone risking their and the customer's life..