the gulf area, even the parents are not used to animals like we are in our own countries, so how can they educate their children if they have no clue themselves.

I grew up with animals like you, so much so that I prefer them over people... You will be surprised at the number of dog training clients I have that are also Muslim/Arab and they treat their animals well, they generally come from Lebanon and Egypt. I also have local clients whose minds I have changed with regards to the way they keep their pets ie, keeping an enclosed area for them, instead of chaining them up and such.

Being here I have understood how most GCC people view animals - in the quran and hadiths it talks about not abusing them, but it also talks about that dogs in particular are only to be kept for working - so you can see why they have a very hard time when it comes to keeping dogs, again, just dogs for anything other than guarding and security.

We will never change most muslim/arab perceptions that dogs have feelings too, but we can work towards teaching them that animals do feel pain, thirst, hunger...

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME

