Qatarisun, you already told her you could keep a secret, leading her to ask you to help her, so before you start to tell the world, you should speak to her again.

As you are her senior (you say you are an office manager, she is an administrator), there is no need to be her 'victim': she cannot force you to do anything: she is inexperienced so has come up with this (inappropriate) solution to her problem. It doesnt mean you have to go along with her.

I have never suggested that you do her work for her, only that you help, coach and advise so she gains confidence and competence.

If you are overloaded with work, don't have a minute, aren't paid enough etc etc, these are things you should speak to your boss about.

You called the thread 'Qatarization' which is why the discussion turned to the rights and wrongs of the overall process and moved away from the situation of this individual.

But, in short, if you dont agree to do her work for her, and find another way to help her, there is no guilty secret to keep. She may need to learn MS Excel, but from your posts it seems that you, in turn, have training needs, in basic leadership skills and assertiveness.