Protocol in layman's term, is how you communicate with one another. Say for example, a Filipino, English and Arab "talking" to each other. If they talk differently, they will not understand each other. That's why a standard protocol was set on the IT field to facillitate "standard" communication among all equipment. Example is Macintosh, Novell and Windows. Before, macintosh uses the Appletalk protocol,Novell Uses IPX/SPX and Windows uses TCP/IP. since Windows dominates the market, a standard communication was established, and hence the TCP/IP was being used by everyone in order for them to communicate with the rest of the world.

Cookies, in layman's term is the bits of information left by website to facilitate faster browsing. Imagine yourself eating a cookie...have you eaten a cookie without the crumbs falling off? If someone saw a crumb of cookie on your table, they'll know you ate one. Like QL, they store cookie on your pc to make it easier for you to be identified when you open the website, and be logged in automatically.

DNS, stands for "Domain Name Services", is the service which enable us to type "" instead of numbers. Imagine your celfone, you store the number with a name. When you are searching for a contact, you don't look for the number, you look for the name. it makes your life easier in finding it. DNS converts the IP address (number like to a fully qualified domain name "". so next time you visit a website, you just remember the name, and the DNS will take care of converting the name into address to locate it for you.

just my 2 cents.

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!