I have brought this subject up a couple of times on here and also on other websites.
It makes me so angry to see these childrens lives put at risk.
Its not only Qatari families but most nationalities excluding Europian American Canadian and Austalian that dont buckle their children in.
I agree that a education campaign is the only way forward...a good place to have these campaigns is with in the shopping malls as everyone has to shop. There are TV screens in most of the malls with advertising going on this would be a very good way to get everyone to see the greatly needed information that these people need.
I have a group on facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=19861421940 if people here took the time to join this group and invite others this is a small way to get some people here to recognise the dangers involved.